How to Get Rid of Worms in Your Home Fast

Why do we wash our hands before eating? Prevents parasites from entering the body, such as worms. We pursue the same goal, we boil water before drinking and eat only washed fruit. If an infection occurs, you need to know how to get rid of worms at home. Today, these are not just folk methods—official medicine also provides a variety of medicines for these parasites.

Signs and Symptoms of Worms in Adults and Children

Parasites such as worms can live anywhere in the human body. This makes it difficult to diagnose them in vivo. Some symptoms that appear when both children and adults are infected can help identify worms:

Abdominal pain is a symptom of the presence of worms
  1. constipate. Because of their size, worms can block the intestines, making emptying difficult.
  2. diarrhea. The worms can produce substances that cause the body to excrete watery food particles, which can lead to diarrhea.
  3. Bloating. If the symptoms persist for more than 2 weeks, then this may indicate a worm infection in the body.
  4. Muscle tissue and joint pain. The worm enters the muscle, causing pain.
  5. Allergic reaction. The worm's harmful substances trigger the synthesis of eosinophils in the body -- cells that inflame tissues and cause allergies.
  6. Skin deterioration. Possible signs of worms may be the sudden appearance of pimples, pimples, cracked feet, papilloma, wrinkles. The condition of the hair and nails can also worsen.
  7. anemia. It develops from a lack of blood, which is sucked out along with nutrients by the worm in a certain part of the body.
  8. Weight gain or loss. The first factor is the body's response to the presence of the worm, and the second factor is the result of the parasite absorbing all the useful trace elements in the body.
  9. Can't sleep. There is no reason to interrupt sleep at the same time every night (about 3 to 4 hours), which is a symptom of a worm. During these times, the liver begins an active fight against substances produced by the parasite.
  10. The anus starts to itch as the worm is released from the body through it.
  11. Teeth grinding is heard during sleep.
  12. fatigue. Deficiencies in nutrients absorbed by the worms can lead to depression and apathy.
  13. Cough and fever. Worms can affect the respiratory system, so it is more difficult for a person to breathe and asthma becomes a complication of the condition.

How to get rid of worms in your body at home

Official and folk anthelmintics for humans are not only designed to repel parasites, but also to further purify the blood and systems affected by the worms. How to get rid of bugs at home? Treating a person for parasites requires taking precautions for all who live with him, including animals. Additionally, you need to properly dispose of personal items such as sheets, toys, pet bedding, household items, etc.

special diet

The focus of nutrition when treating worms is to unload an already weakened liver. Cleaning internal parasites requires adding the following products to your diet:

  • coconut oil;
  • nut;
  • Castor oil, preferably taken on an empty stomach;
  • Seasonal fruits and vegetables.

The diet is not only based on small, frequent meals, but also on the exclusion of junk food:

  • fried;
  • dairy products;
  • refined sugar;
  • Products based on wheat or white flour.


Drugs for helminths are divided into narrow and broad senses according to the nature of action. The former is only used to treat a certain type of parasite, while the latter is capable of dealing with any worm.

Cordyceps wormwood decoction

medicinal herbs

To rid the body of parasites at home, the properties of herbal preparations are used, on the basis of which tinctures or decoctions are prepared. Try these folk remedies for worms:

  1. Wormwood decoction. It is one of the homeopathic formulations, and while the medicine heals in low doses, it has the opposite effect in high doses. The essential oils contained in the herbs have antibacterial properties that allow you to fight worms. Take equal amounts of herbs such as centaurs and wormwood. Boil for half an hour, fill a glass of water with 1 tablespoon. l. Collection. Drink a glass of decoction in the morning and before bed. Continue the program for at least a week.
  2. A mixture of cloves, tansy and wormwood. Mix all herbs in equal proportions and consume 1 tsp. It is recommended to drink plenty of water on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is one month.
  3. Inulin tincture. Take 2 tablespoons. l. Inulin, tansy flowers and dried blueberry roots. for 1 st. l. Collection takes up a glass of water. Boil this mixture for about half an hour. Take 5 tablespoons. l. For about a week, drink water.
  4. Celandine tincture. This herb is effective against a worm that is difficult to remove from the body - Giardia, that is, worms that affect the liver. Prepare 1 tablespoon. l. Pre-chopped leaves and roots of celandine - Pour mixture into 1 tablespoon. boiling water. Filter after cooling. Remove from worms twice a day and then eat for a course of up to 3 days.
Worm Pumpkin Seeds

folk recipes

When medicines fail to provide worm treatment to patients, only folk methods help to use products that are effective against parasites. Here are a few ways people can get rid of worms at home:

  1. nut. Take a few young, still green walnuts and grind them with the peel. Boil water with a pinch of salt. Pour the liquid over the nuts. 3 hours after the infusion, drink a full glass of repellent.
  2. Onion infusion. It helps poison worms such as roundworms or pinworms in children or adults. Toss half a can of chopped onion into vodka or diluted alcohol. Hold for about 19 days. Take 1 tablespoon. l. Take the tincture twice a day before meals. For children, prepare worm medicine with boiled water instead of vodka.
  3. sauerkraut. It addresses issues like low stomach acid levels, which prevent gut bacteria from fighting worms adequately. This vegetable helps the good bacteria to poison parasites, and only 4-5 teaspoons are enough. Sauerkraut or its juice.
  4. garlic. Enjoys the most positive reviews and is a deadly environment for worms, eliminating them naturally. Just eat a few heads or drink water-soaked crushed garlic. Do this at night to prevent daytime odors from bothering you, or use an enema to cleanse the worms.
  5. Poplar bark. Pour 0. 5 liters of vodka into 50 grams of bark. Shake occasionally after placing in the darkest place. Drink a tincture of worms filtered and diluted with water up to 4 times a day before meals. The duration of treatment is 3 weeks.
  6. pumpkin seeds. They contain piperazine, a substance that paralyzes the worm, so the body will remove the parasite from a child or adult in a natural way. Mix a small cup of pumpkin seeds with 2 tablespoons. l. Honey and 1 tsp. Linseed oil. Take 3 hours after meals.

In addition, the treatment of parasites is usually carried out using plants such as ginger. It is used in pickled form as a seasoning or sauce for dishes. You can also use whole slices of ginger to treat parasites. You can fight worms in your body with fresh products or prepare tinctures:

  1. Take 0. 5 kilograms of fresh ginger root and 0. 5 liters of vodka.
  2. Fill the grated root with vodka.
  3. Find a warm place to inject the mixture there. Don't forget to shake it.
  4. For about 2 weeks, take 1 teaspoon. Take the worm tincture 30 minutes before meals.
Wash hands with soap to prevent worms

Helminth disease prevention

Preventive measures against worms are hygiene and regular medication. Parasite prevention is as follows:

  1. Use soap for a hand hygiene routine every time you come in from the street, go to the toilet, or before eating.
  2. Wipe down work surface with disinfectant.
  3. Don't drink raw water.
  4. Pour boiling water over the dill, parsley, and any vegetables. Do the same with fruit or vegetables.
  5. Cook meat and fish.